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Anderson Grimes Co Texas
July 30, 1869
Welch Supt. of Education
In reply to yours of the first, I will state that the house we desire to build and for which we have the lumber and the Sills and Sleepers for the floor framed and upon blocks is 45 feet long by 30 feet wide I said we had the lumber but we have not got enough we are deficient about one thousand feet which we think we are and will be able to get What we want and are not able to get is rails and a workman to put up the house From estimates made by Carpenters I thought and still think that $230.00 coin will will amend our purpose If you are willing to and will appoint some man here to superintend it or to let it out on contract I think it would be best or perhaps you can Contract yourself with some Carpenter here for its completion I you are inclined to the latter I will give you the names of resident Carpenters here who I think will be as liberal towards us as they possibly can or I will give you the names of some suitable persons that will contract for you 
Please let me hear from you at your earliest convenience and do all you can to assist us for we are much in want of a house for school and church purposes.
Alex Terrell