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Anderson Grimes Co Texas
Sept 14, 1869

Jos Welch Supt. of Education &c
Austin Texas

Yours of 21st ult has been on hand some time and my excuse for not answering sooner is that I wanted to see what could be done on our house and what would be to be done. At the time Mr Pankey wrote you the home was not framed though the material was on the ground Since that time we have framed raised and partly boxed in and one side covered The floors doors and windows and seats yet remain to be done and one side to cover. We are in debt for the flooring $60 00 and for Boards $40 00 making $100 00 in the aggregate I have had a competent Carpenter to make an estimate of the cost of the Doors & Windows and he says the material, making, and putting them in, will cost $56 00. I think we will perhaps get the assistance of the Colored men to lay the floor down rough and to finish the covering. There is no one at work on the house at this time and the work that has been done in raising boxing in and covering the one side has been by volunteer day labor There is no telling when the house will be fit for use. I have already expended out of my own means $109.25 and am now responsible to those that we owe for the several amounts they look to no one else I am not able to do more than I have done without greatly discommoding myself and family therefore not able to