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When applications for aid are approved by the Commissioner, Superintendents will see that contracts are made in proper form, and will forward copies of the same to this office, with approved vouchers for the money expended, for payment by the Chief Disbursing Officer.  In case buildings are rented for school purposes, vouchers for rent will also be forwarded to this office, having been first approved by the Superintendents.  Blanks for these vouchers will be furnished by the Chief Disbursing Officer.
Every effort will be made to secure the cordial co-operation of the State authorities in the educational work.  State and county officers will be often consulted, and wherever free schools for the colored people are established by such officers, those schools will be encouraged and aided if necessary.
Returns for stationery, school furniture, and other property for which Superintendents are accountable, will be made monthly as heretofore.
Tabular reports or blanks, furnished by the General Superintendent, will be forwarded monthly, and full reports semi-annually, embracing a narrative of all the operations of this Department.

Bvt. Major-General U.S.A, Commissioner.


Act'g. Asst. Adj't - General.