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Sweet Home Texas Apr 25st 1870
Mr. Louis W. Stevenson

It is with haste that I write to you to inform you I am well at this time and am getting along with my School very well at this time And deem my Scholars worth your attention I think in time of return to your respectable. Bye you ought to call and see my School if posible without fail I expect you will if not already recveie a letter of Mr. Jessie Shackleford For transference of me He wants you to send me to Hallettsville to teach And send that other gentleman at Columbus to Sweet Home but I am unwilling to go there, therefore consent thou not to his entreatment for he did it merely for spite And he or she that worketh for spite is not after any good at all that you know yourself I want to carry on this School yet a while as I were the first instructor that has ever been here And in fact I do not deem it expedient to alterate my Posision no how therefore I would suggest and I think my suggestion is right that he had better secure the service of that other teacher at Columbus excuse this Scrawl

Obt Serv
Daniel Thomas