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May 6st 1870 Texas
Sweet Home Lavaca County
Mr L.W. Stevenson

Dear Sir
I received your very welcome epistal and I was glad to hear from you or hear of you.  I was glad to hear you say stay where I am for I did not want to go to Hallettsville to teach And my reason is this because there has been several teachers at that place And could not get along with Mr. Jessie Shackleford he some what want from what I can understand to run over The theachers there from Owens oppose to going there Now I will tell you at my school I have a very nice School not many scholars but them that I have are learning very fast  I tell you Maj you would be astonished after consideration at the time that I commenced why they are improving in science and in language also not as self recommending but I will tell you Major considering the time I commenced teaching it is the most industrious school in this Seguin as vacinity there is nothing that is interesting to write that I am a man of no danger at being molested yet although I heard that I would be killed directly after I got hear but not so I see no dire attempt yet to frighten me excuse this scrawl Major for you know that I am not thoroughly educated.
Daniel Thomas

Transcription Notes:
11-30-2020: Deciphered remaining [[??]]. Handwriting is hard to decipher. lots of words unclear from Shackleford through to "Now I will tell you.." 2 [[??]] left