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Columbus Texas July 28 1869
Mr Price

Dear sir we have writen to you two or three times since ever have heard from you, we expect to have the Lumber here within ten days and would like very much to go on with the Hallettsville job, if you will get the time Extended thirty days from the time that the Lumber arrives here, please write to us immediately so that we will know what to do If we build the house it is of much importance for us to know without delay so that we can commence it as soon as the Lumber arrives
Yes - the Extension in writing so that we will be at no traceable the Last letter we received from you stated that Mr Welch would be here soon but I think he went some other way as we could not here of his arrival in this place We will look to here from you at an early day, hoping you will let us know soon We remain yours  Wallace and Lacey