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Huntsville Texas 7th mo. 19th 1870
Friend E. C. Bartholomew
Supt. Ed. B. R. F & A. L.
Thy favor of 18th is at hand, with receipts. The latter I sign and return. 
Price of lumber delivered in Huntsville twenty ($20. 00/100) per 1000.
Shingles six ($6 00/100) per 1000
Nails, regardless of size seven ($7 00/100) dollars per hundred lbs
Sash five ($5 00/100) dollars per window.
These, as nearly as I can ascertain, are the current prices in specie, in Huntsville.
The house, as planned, upper story for church, and basement for school, will require about 30 windows in all. Basement 15.
Please make the appropriations as large as the law will allow.
Thy friend
Edward Williams