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Huntsville Texas 9th mo. 5th 1870

Friend E.C. Bartholomew
Supt. Education B.R.F. & A.L.

Not having yet rec. the appropriation for schoolhouse for which I signed blank receipts about seven weeks ago. The thought arises that if possibly may have been mailed to me and lost, as there is so much irregularity in the mails.

Our school opens again to day, and house accommodations are so very poor that we are anxious to have the new house underway, but are afraid to make contracts till we have the money in hand.

Please inform who is the State Superintendent of Education. Have not found any one who can tell me. We wish to find out what kind of books are to be addopted in the public schools.

Have lost some of the status of the Bureau. Don't know whether it aids schools or wishes reports from them.

Thy friend

Edward Williams