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L.S. 1459.
Headquarters Department of Texas,
(Texas and Louisiana.)

San Antonio, Texas, November 21st 1870

E.C. Bartholomew Esq.
Superintendent Education.
B.R.F and A.L. State of Texas, 
Austin: Texas,


I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of Circular. from your office. dated November 1 1870. stating you will receive applications from disabled United States Volunteer Soldiers. for admittance to the National Asylum provided by the Congress of the United States for disabled Volunteer Soldiers. etc.

It is respectfully suggested. that you send a copy of your circular. to each Post where colored troops are serving - a roster of troops in this Department is enclosed for you information -

Very Respectfully.
Your Obedient Servant.
H. Clay Wood
Assistant Adjutant General


Transcription Notes:
I wanted to make note of "Assistant Adjutant General," since it took me a few minutes to decipher the handwriting. I was unfamiliar with this word initially, but, simply, it is simply an administrative role in the military.