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September 15, 1952

Dear Mr. Elmiger: 

Do have my thanks for your kind cable from which I was of course disappointed to hear that you could not put me up on September 19. 

I have made reservations at the Lotti which you had suggested to me once before. 

However, my stay in Europe this time will be so very short that it really does not matter much.

I would like to take advantage of these lines to make reservations with you for next spring from [[underline]] May 15 July 1. [[/underline]]

You will recall that during our last stay this past spring you first gave Mrs. Seligman and me a small apartment of two rooms, I think on the top floor overlooking Place Vendome, and I am wondering whether we could have it again instead of the one larger room, as we both liked it very much. 

Thanking you in advance for your kind reply and with personal regards, 

Sincerely yours,

Germain Seligman 

Monsieur H.F. Elmiger
Hotel Ritz
Place Vendome
Paris, France

P.S. May I take the liberty of calling to your attention that your cable was sent to our old address (namely 47 East 61) thus delaying its delivery considerably. My office address is 5 East 57th Street, with cable address Glaenstark, and our private address is 875 5th Avenue. 
