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Hotel Ritz
15, Place Vendome
April 16th 1952.

Germain Seligman, Esq.,
5 East 57th Street
New York 22.-
N. Y. U.S.A.

Dear Sir,

We beg to acknowledge receipt of your kind letter dated April 12th, addressed to Mr. Elmiger momentarily absent.

In reply, we hasten to inform you that we could reserve in Mrs. Seligman's and your favour a suite consisting in a Salon, twin-bedded room and a private bathroom attached for the period extending fro the 11th of May until the 15th and from the 15th of May to July 3rd next we shall ask you to kindly move to another room with large bed and private bathroom.

Looking forward with pleasure to your further good news,

We remain, Dear Sir,
Yours very truly,

For the RITZ HOTEL, Ltd.,
C A Auzello
C. A. Auzello
Managing Director,
