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New York 22, N.Y. 
April 12, 1952 

Dear Mr. Elmiger: 
You were good enough to reserve a room for Mrs. Seligman and me from May 15, to the beginning of July. 

I find now that it is necessary for me to be in Paris a few days earlier and thus expect to fly off on the 10th, arriving on the 11th, and could we have our room available on that day? 

Realizing that this is the height of your season I do hope it will not cause you too much trouble and I am grateful to you for your trying to arrange this. 

While I was in Paris a couple of weeks ago I heard you were in New York, but unfortunately when I telephoned to the Ritz Carlton a couple of days after my return I heard that you had just left and am sorry indeed to have missed you here. 

Looking forward to seeing you again and with anticipated thanks and personal regards, 

Yours very sincerely, 
Germain Seligman 

Monsieur H.F. Elmiger 
Hotel Ritz 
14 Place Vendome 