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February 21, 1952

Dear Mr. Elmiger:

I might be going to Paris a couple of weeks at the beginning of the second week of March, that is around the 10, or 11, and am wondering whether I can count upon a room at your hotel as usual.

I am sorry to be so indefinite as regards dates at this present writing, but circumstances do not allow me to be more precise.

As soon as I will have heard from you in the affirmative I hope, I shall of course cable you giving exact dates.

This naturally does not interfere nor replace the later reservations I have with you, that is from May 15th to July 3rd., and about which I have your confirmation.

Looking forward to hearing from you and seeing you soon again,

With best personal regards,

Sincerely yours,

(Germain Seligman)

Mr. H.F. Elmiger
Manager, Hotel Ritz
15 Place Vendome