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File Hotel Section

Private Office
[[image - crest]]
John L. Horgan

Mr. H. W. Jackson,
Jacques Seligman & Co., Inc.,
705 Fifth Ave.,
New York, N.Y.

My dear Mr. Jackson:

I was very sorry indeed to learn of the inconvenience and annoyance caused your Mr. Germain Seligman thru the negligence of our Mail Clerk to properly handle the letter which we received here for him, and I sincerely hope he will accept my apology.

I have personally investigated the matter and there is absolutely no excuse for the failure of the clerk to follow his instructions in regard to his mail.

I realize of course, that there is nothing I can do or say now to offset the annoyance caused him but I hope he will find it in his heart to forgive us on this occasion. This poor service is not at all in keeping with our usual standards and I am very grateful to you for bringing it to my attention as it has given me an opportunity to remind our staff of the standards of efficiency expected of them. 

We strive very hard here to render only the most accurate and efficient service, but occasionally in a large institution such as ours where it is necessary to depend on the human element for accuracy, instructions are not followed as closely as they should be, causing annoyance or unpleasantness to a valued patron. However, you may rest assured that when we have the pleasure of caring for Mr. Seligman in the future, he will not experience this difficulty.

Thanking you for writing me, and assuring you that we shall always put forth our best efforts to please you, we are

Yours very truly, 

John L. Horgan
Managing Director

Nov. 21, 1925.