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July 27th, 1944

Dear Miss Crane:

I hope you will understand that my delay in answering your letter of the 18th., was unavoidable, as it is only this morning that I have returned to New York.

To facilitate matters for you, I am following the form used in your inquiry about the RENOIR painting "Portrait of Edmund Renoir" - - 

Artist: Renoir

Title: Portrait of Edmond Renoir

Date: 1887

Medium: Oil

Size: 21-1/8"x 25-1/2"

Credit line: Jacques Seligmann & Co., Inc.

It is not, as you will gather, the painting in the collection of Mr. Billy Rose.

Yours very sincerely,

Miss Aimee Crane,
The Hyperion Press,
30 Fifth Avenue,
New York 11, N.Y.    (Germain Seligman)