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January 12th., 1943.

Dear Miss Crane:

On December 21st., - answering your request - I mailed to you twenty-three photographs of paintings, and not having heard from you, I surmise that they duly reached you.

Now, I have just heard from MRS SPENCER PENROSE, whose painting I sent you a reproduction of.  She requests me to inform you that though she is perfectly agreeable to having the photograph published, she does NOT wish her name mentioned.  I suggest therefore, that you publish it anonymously, as "Private Collection, U.S.A.", As Mrs. Penrose lays great stress on this point, I would much be obliged to you if you would acknowledge receipt to me, of these lines.

Though each photograph carefully bore its title on the back, in order to avoid any error may I remind you that the painting in question is a RENOIR, and called "Au Bord de la Seine, près d'Argenteuil" or/and "La Femme à l'Ombrelle".

Thanking you in advance for your kind reply,

Yours very sincerely,

(Germain Séligmann}

Miss Aimée Crane,
The Hyperion Press,
15 Fifth Avenue,
New York, N.Y.