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April 21st 1924

Chester Johnson, Esq., 
700 South Michigan Avenue
Chicago, Ill. 

Dear Mr. Johnson,-

In the Absence of Mr. Trevor, whom you will see shortly in Chicago, I opened your letter.

I am glad to quote you a lower price for the Chinnery gouaches to make a first transaction with you, but you must admit that the price we quoted you was a very low one. I will let you have these Chinnerys for $460,-- a piece.

I am afraid we overlooked the matter of the Scandinavian tapestry; I am having it photographed at once, and will send you a copy of it as soon as I get it, together will the letter of Dr. Paul Ganz, Curator of the Museum of Basle, who has made a special study of these tapestries, and emphasizes the fact that this is a very exceptional piece.

Looking forward to seeing you in Europe, as I am sailing on May 7th on the "Aquitania", I am, 

Yours sincerely,