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December 4th., 1945.

Dear Sirs:

A short time ago we regretfully read of the death of Mr. Eldridge R. Johnson, and in this connection are writing to say that should the Executors consider selling any of the paintings or works of art acquired by the late Mr. Johnson, we would appreciate having an opportunity to discuss this matter with you.

Though our's is one of the very old New York firms and consequently probably well known to you, we think it might be appropriate to mention that in recent years we were appointed by DAVIS, POLK, WARDWELL, GARDINER & REED, to handle the world famous collection of art assembled by the late CLARENCE H. MACKAY, and by Commander John M. Schiff to take charge of his late father's (Mortimer L. Schiff) collection.
Trusting we may have the privilege of hearing from you,

Yours very sincerely,

To the Executors of the
Eldridge R. Johnson Estate,
Moorestown, N.J.