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[[left margin]] check mark [[/end left margin]]

[[right margin]] January 31st 1924 [[/end right margin]]

Jackson Johnson, Esq. 
25 Portland Place
St. Louis, Mo.

Dear Mr. Johnson,-

You will remember that when I was in your city  several weeks ago, just for a day, I did not succeed unfortunately in seeing you as you were very busy that day, and I fear not to be able to go to St. Louis again before my sailing, as I am quite busy here.

Should you be able to come to New York, I would greatly enjoy seeing you, as I would very much like to show you a very fine French 18th century painting that we have recently acquired, also a very beautiful clock to put on your mantel, which I am sure you would like immensely.

Of course I realize that your interest in art, according to what I have heard and what you told me yourself, has not yet come to the stage of appreciating works of art, as it is a slow process, and we have noticed time and again that people start with paintings and that it is only within the years that they gradually come to the understanding of tapestries and works of art. 

Looking forward to seeing you either here in New York, or in Paris at the Ancien Palais Sagan, pray believe me. 

Yours sincerely

(Germain Seligmann)

Transcription Notes:
Unsure of how to notate check mark at the top of the page.