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September 11, 1970

Dear Mrs. Johnson:

In compliance with your kind request your name has been placed on our mailing list, and the next catalogue you will receive will be the one referring to our yearly MASTER DRAWINGS exhibition to be held in November.

Answering your query, this in fact is the only catalogue we publish, with the exception of some connected with contemporary American artists. However, I gather that this latter activity of our Firm is of little interest to you, as you write you care mainly for Medieval and Renaissance works of art.

To give you a definite listing of the items in the different fields my Firm covers would be difficult. However, we do specialize in paintings, sculptures, drawings, and works of art, including Medieval ivories and enamels. In the line of manuscripts, we have but one at present, a most delightful leaf attributed to BOURDICHON- as you know, the follower of Fouquet at the end of the XVth century. 

May I add that I do hope I shall have the pleasure of your visit and have thus the opportunity of showing you and Mr. Johnson the works of art I am referring to and which would seem to be the ones which attract you most.

Yours very sincerely, 

Germain Seligman

Mrs. Lawrence F. Johnson
1136 Lake Shore Blvd
Evanston, Illinois 60202