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February 4th, 1938

My dear Mrs. Johnston:
I take the liberty of addressing these few lines to you in connection with an exhibition of portraits by Raeburn which we intend to hold here at our galleries the latter part of March and early April. The receipts of this exhibition will go to charity.

From the records, we see that you own a fine Raeburn painting, "Portrait of Sir Patrick Inglis", and we would be greatly obliged if you would kindly let us know whether you are perhaps inclined to lend us your painting for this exhibition.

To facilitate matters, allow me to inform you that I shall stop off in Washington on my way to Florida February 14th, 15th and 16th, during which time it would afford me great pleasure if you would allow me to call on you and give you the details.

I would appreciate it if you would be good enough to let me know whether my visit would be convenient to you at that time.

Believe me to be
Most respectfully,
(R. H. Waegen)

Mrs. James M. Johnston
1424 - 16th Street N. W.
Washington, D. C.