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April 1, 1929

Dear Mrs. Kelley,

Just before sailing back to Europe, I thought of sending you this letter to tell you that I hope you will also be coming over during the spring or summer, and that you will not fall to look us up in Paris. 

I am returning a little earlier that I usually do, because we have just purchased in Paris an extremely fine and very complete ensemble which formed the entire collection of a Parisian art collector. The paintings, the furniture and the works of art which compose it are of exquisite taste, and of such a quality as rarely appears on the market now. This collection will be on exhibition during the season. 

This is one more reason for us to hope that we may have the pleasure of seeing you in Paris.

In the meantime, believe me to be

Yous very truly,

Mrs. Cornelius F. Kelley,
907 Fifth Avenue,
New York City.