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March 22, 1951


Mr. Germain Seligman had turned over to me for acknowledgement your letter of Juanuary 5, 1951 which having inexplicably mislaid, I am only answering now. I wish to express my sincere regret for this inexcusable delay,, and trust that it did not cause you any inconvenience.

Enclosed please find cashiers check no. 60004 issued by the Bankers Trust Company, on the Credit Suisse, Zurich, in the sum of $25.- (Twenty five and 00/100 dollars), being in payment of the expenses indicated in your letter.

Yours very truly,

(O.A. Liechti)

Mon cher Maitre -

Par une erreur que j'ai du mal é comprendre mon "manager" avait egaré votre lettre je m'en excuse. Je suis heureux neanmoins d'avoir cette occasion de me rappeler á votre bon souvenir et veuillez croire a mes meilleurs sentiments. 

Germain Seligman 

Paul Lachenal, Esq. 
92 Rue du Rhone
Geneva, Switzerland

[[margin]] Lachenal [[/margin]]

Transcription Notes: