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Nov. 8th, 1932.

Dear Miss Lamb:

I am taking this opportunity of writing to you, as my way has not lead me to Boston for many months, altho many times I was on the verge of going up.

Nevertheless, while glancing through a catalogue of the Pacquement Collection which is coming up for sale shortly in Paris, I happened to see a reproduction of a superb Segonzac water-color and, of course, immediately thought of you.

I do not know whether this would interest you, but I thought I would mention it anyway and if you would like any further particulars regarding it, I should be pleased to communicate them to you.

I hope you and your dear Mother spent a most enjoyable summer at Bar Harbor and this will probably now find you again in the throes of Boston's winter season.

I hope that my way will soon lead me to Boston, but on the other hand, should you be in New York, do drop in to see me.

With kind regards, I am

Very sincerely yours,

Miss Aimee Lamb,
126 Beacon Street,
Boston Mass.              (Robert M. Levy)