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March 19th 1924

Mrs. Robert Law,
Portchester, N.Y.

Dear Frances,-

I am herewith enclosing an invitation to my first exhibition with the new firm. 

I presume you know this firm by reputation, and I might mention that, besides being responsible for greater part of the Morgan collection, we are represented by some of the finest things in the Altman and Frick collections. Our place in Paris, the old Palais Sagan, is one of the sights of the city! 

I wish you could find time to come in here the next time you come to town, as knowing your taste in art matters, I can assure you of a very pleasant visit, as this place is a veritable art museum, as we not only have pictures, but we also have a most remarkable collection of tapestries, antique furniture, old bronzes, majolicas and some extraordinarily interesting Gothic pieces, which I know would delight you.

Bob tells me you are quite well, so there is no need to enquire after your health.

Hoping to see you some time this week, and with my very kindest regards to you both, believe me to be,

Yours very sincerely,