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October 29, 1957

Dear Mr. Lehman,

May I first congratulate you on the award of the Legion of Honor by the French Government which I feel certain makes you very happy.

I had just read about this pleasant news when I heard from Mr. Benjamin Sonnenberg who suggested that I send to your apartment the following painting and drawings:-

Ingress       painting    "Head of a Young Woman"
Ingress       drawing     "Portrait of Madame Tournouer"
Iazzetta      drawing     "Sleeping Girl"

of which on you will find summary and prices here with.

I am indeed sorry to hear that you are laid up with the flu and hope that these may cheer you up. 

With personel regards, 

Sincerely yours, 

Germain Seligman

Mr. Robert Lehman
625 Park Avenue
New York 21, New York


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