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CT ES    October 20, 1931

Dear Mr. Lewisohn,

I received your pamphlet entitled "Drama in Painting" this morning, and having just finished reading it, I am taking the liberty of writing you these few lines to compliment you on the extremely lucid way in which this article has been written.

Although personally I have always been quite critical of the rank "extremists" in modern art, I have been interested in this field for over twenty years. In fact, I remember very distinctly trying to interest you quite a number of years ago when I was with Scott and Fowles in a version of DAUMIER's "Third Class Railway Carriage".

I was particularly interested in your article by the way in which you compare the Moderns with the Old Masters which I found not only very interesting, but extremely instructive, and I can unhesitatingly say that I have learned more from your little article than I have from all the numerous lengthy dissertations I have listened to and the monotonous books I have read on this same subject.

Yours sincerely,

Samuel A. Lewisohn, Esq.,
61 Broadway,
New York City.