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November 11th, 1933.

Dear Mr. Lewisohn,

It gives me pleasure to announce to
you that I have renewed my connections with
Messrs. Jacques Seligmann & Company, where I
hope that we will often be favored with your

I am organizing an exhibition of
water colors by CEZANNE, to be held in our gal-
leries from November 16th to December 7th. This
exhibition will comprise a very small number of
works, but all of them outstanding.  That is
why we are extremely anxious to have the priv-
ilege of exhibiting the water color "still life"
which is in your Collection.

As you have always been so generous
with loans for exhibitions, I hope that you will not
refuse us this favor.  We will, of course, in-
sure the water color for its full value, from
the time it leaves your home until the time it
is returned there.

Awaiting your reply, and thanking you 
in advance,

Please believe me to be 

Yours respectively,

C. M. de Hauke

Samuel A. Lewisohn, Esq.,
Messrs. Adolph Lewisohn & Sons,
61 Broadway,
New York City.