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April 30th, 1934.

Dear Mr. Lewisohn:

May I take the liberty of asking you to be so kind and let me have a good photograph of your Seuret painting, "L'ile de la Grande Jatte", as I am working on a complete catalogue of the works of this artist.  I am, of course, very anxious to include your wonderful painting and therefore need that photograph.

Would you also be kind enough to have the exact size of the painting put at the back of the photograph and also let me have all the data concerning it, such as exhibitions in which it has been shown.

To facilitate the work of your secretary I am enclosing herewith a card which I have had made special for that purpose.

Please excuse me for asking all this and
thanking you in advance believe me to be,

Yours very truly,

Sam Lewisohn, Esq.,
881 Fifth Avenue,
New York City.          (C. M. de Hauke)