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October 23, 1959

My dear Mrs. Luce:

I have just become the owner of three exceptional European paintings of especial interest. The subjects represented are:

"The Virgin and Child" by Seno di Pietro that shows all the devotion and charm of this quatrocento artist.

"The Annunciation" by Bernardo Strozzi called "Il Capucino Genovese" for he started life as a monk, demonstrating successfully the tremendous dynamism of this artist of the end of the XVI Century.

"Christian Faith" by Claude Vignon, this mysterious French XVII Century artist who was so close to Rembrandt in his early days and about whose life and achievements a great deal has still to be revealed.

It would indeed be a great pleasure were you to drop in and allow me to show them to you should you be able to spare a few moments from your busy schedule.  

Yours very sincerely,
Germain Seligman

H. E. Mrs. Henry R. Luce
450 East 52nd Street
New York 22, New York  

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