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November 19, 1963

Thompson, Ahern & Co.
Custom Brokers
40 Yonge Street
Toronto, Ont.

Dear Sirs:

Following the instructions of Mr. Victor Lynch-Staunton of Clydagh, Nashville (Ont.), Canada, we have today shipped by AIR-EXPRESS, Prepaid Charges, addressed to you, in a double case:

Marble Sculpture, Franco-Flemish
15th Century, representing:

"St. Jerome in his Study" Price: US.$ 15,000.–

(Fifteen Thousand U.S. Dollars).

We are sending you enclosed herein Canadian Customs Invoice N-A in quadruplicate duly signed by us and notarized covering this shipment, which you will notice is on approval.

Please note that we are keeping this sculpture fully insured. We would be obliged to you for your acknowledgement of the safe arrival of this work of art and of its prompt delivery to your client.

Thanking you,

Yours very soncerely [[sincerely]]

(O. Porjes)

[[right margin]] Lynch-Staunton [[/right margin]]