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The following is the full form, combining the Certificate of Value (M) and Origin (A), prescribed to be written, printed or stamped on the Invoices of Articles for entry in Canada, under the Most Favored Nation Tariff when the goods have been sold by the exporter prior to importation. In cases where the vendor does not reside in the country of export or for other reasons the vendor is unable to sign the certificate both as to value and origin, a separate certificate of origin in prescribed form signed by the exporter in the country of export, bearing a full description of the goods and marks and numbers of the packages, so that it may be identified with the shipment, will be accepted.
(M) I, the undersigned, do hereby certify as follows:-
1. That I am the Asst. Treasurer of Jacques Seligmann & Co.,Inc. exporter of the goods described in the within invoice 
2. That the said invoice is in all respects correct and true;
3. That the said invoice contains a true and full statement showing the price actually paid or to be paid for the said goods, the actual quantity thereof and all charges thereon;
4. That there is included in the said invoice the true value of all cartons, cases, crates, boxes and coverings of any kind and all charges and expenses incident to placing the said goods in condition packed ready for shipment to Canada;
5. That the said invoice also exhibits the fair market value, at the time when and place from which the goods were shipped directly to Canada, of like goods when sold in the same or substantially the same quantities for home consumption int he ordinary course of trade under competitive conditions to purchasers located at that place with whom the vendor deals at arm's length and who are at the same or substantially the same trade level as the importer;
6. That where like goods are not sold for home consumption in the circumstances described in the preceding section but where the goods shown on this invoice are similar to those sold for home consumption, the fair market value exhibited thereon is not less that the aggregate of 
(a) the cost of production of the goods exported; and
(b) an amount that is the same percentage of the cost of production of the goods exported as the gross profit on the similar goods is of the cost of production of the similar goods;
7. That the said fair market value is without
(a) any discount or deduction not shown, allowed and deducted on invoices covering sales for home consumption in the country of export in the ordinary course of trade;
(b)any deduction on account of any subsidy or drawback of Customs duty that has been allowed by the Government of any other country, or on account of any so-called royalty, rent or charge for use of any machine or goods of any description, that the seller or proprietor does or would usually charge thereon when the same are sold or leased or rented for use in the country of export; or
(c) any discount or deduction on account of the amount of consideration or money value of any special arrangement between any persons interested therein, because of the exportation or intended exportation of such goods, or the right to territorial limits for the sale of use thereof;
8. That if the fair market value of the said goods described in this invoice is other than the value thereof as above specific, such fair market value has, to the best of my knowledge and belief, been fixed and determined under authority of the Customs Act at the value exhibited in this invoice;
9. That no different invoice of the goods mentioned in the said invoice has been or will be furnished to any one by me or on my behalf;
10. That no arrangement or understanding affecting the purchase price of the said goods has been or will be made or entered into between the said exporter and purchaser or by any one behalf of either of them other than as shown on the said invoice, either by way of discount, rebate, salary, compensation or in any other manner whatsoever;
 That each article on this invoice is bona fide the produce or manufacture of the country specified on the invoice as its Country of Origin;
That each manufactured article on the invoice in its present form ready for export to Canada has been finished in such specific country of origin, and not less than one-half the cost of production of each such article has been produced through the industry of * Paris [[strikethrough]] France entitled to the benefits of treaty or convention rates or the British Preferential Tariff.
Dated at New York
this first day of Nov., 1961 
(Signature) Theresa J. Sanker
NOTE:-When invoicing goods which have been finished in a country specific on the invoice as its country of origin from materials originating in a country or countries contributing to one-half the cost of production should be shown in the space provided in the certificate
in the calculation of the cost of production for the purpose of determining the qualification for the entry under the Most Favored Nation Tariff none of the following items are to be included or considered, viz:-
1. Outside packages and expenses of packing thereinto.
2. Manufacturer's or exporter's profit or the profit or remuneration of any trader, broker, or other person dealing in the article in its finished manufactures condition.
3. Royalties
4. Customs or excise duty or tax paid or payable on imported materials.
5. Carriage, insurance, etc., from place of production or manufacture to port of shipment.
6. Any other charges incurred or to be incurred subsequent tp completion of the manufacture of the goods.
*insert here name of country or countries

Transcription Notes:
Not sure on Theresa J Sanker