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October 27, 1961

My dear Mr. Staunton:

As agreed, I take much pleasure in sending you herein a photograph of the: -

French 2nd Half of the 14th Century, marble high relief,


as well as a short description.

Instructions have already been given for the packing of the sculpture in a double case - so that by Tuesday it will be ready for air shipment.

The thought has occured to me, in view of your friendly relationship with Dr. Theodore A. Heinrich of the Royal Ontario Museum, it might facilitate matters to have the relief shipped to his Museum, to his attention.

I shall await your decision on this topic before proceeding with the shipment, as you may prefer to have it addressed directly to you.

I am rushing off this note - the bill will follow anon.

Yours very sincerely,

Germain Seligman

Victor Lynch-Staunton, Esq.
Ontario, Canada

Encls. (2)

P.S. I am also wondering whether it would not make it easier for you were the marble shipped c/o your customs' broker in Toronto - in which case do let me have the name and address.