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April 12th: 

[[3 columned table]]

Miller, Byron D.           New York            GS
Knudson, William S.        Detroit             GS
Phelps, Henry Willis       New York            GS
Taylor, T. R.              East Orange         GS
Kanzler, Mrs. Ernest       Grosse Point Farms  RS
Bliss, Robert Woods        Georgetown          RS
Finley, David E. (wire)    Washington          GS
Meyer, Mrs. Eugene (wire)  n                   GS
Hartford, Mrs. Huntington  New York            RS

April 13th:

[[3 columned table]]

Navarre, H.                Paris               GS
Rich, Daniel Catton        Chicago             CMH
Howard, Richard Foster     Dallas              RML
Myers, Bernard             New York            RML
Roosval, Prof. Johnny      New York            RML

April 15th:

[[3 columned table]]

Van Rensselaer, Mrs. Charles A.  Jerich, L.I.   GS
Miller, Mrs. Adolph C.           Washington     GS
Finley, David E.                 Washington     GS
Dachs, Paul J. (wire)            Cambridge      GS

April 16th: 

[[3 columned table]]

Levy, Gilbert              Paris               GS
Planiscig, Dr. L           Vienna              GS
Tooth, Dudley              London              CMH
Brame, Paul                Paris               CMH

April 17th:

[[3 columned table]]

Linn, T. C. (wire)           New York          GS
Cunningham, Charles          Boston            CMH
Franken, Miss Marcel (wire)  New York          CMH
Edgell, George H.            Boston            GS
Thacher, John S.             Cambridge         GS

April 19th:

[[3 columned table]]

Friedberg, Mrs. Carl       New York            RML
Frankfurter, Dr. Albert    New York            RML
Lehman, Robert             New York            RML
Hatfield, Dalzell          Los Angeles         RML
Salomon, Mrs. Arthur       New York            RML
Gardner, Paul              Kansas City         GS
Riddle, Mrs. John Wallace  Farmington          GS
Jackson, C. D.             New York            GS
Clark, G.                  London              GS
Remington, Preston         New York            GS