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but the photograph in the catalogue just makes one feel eager to look at a larger and better reproduction.
I do not want to close this letter without telling you again how much my wife and I enjoyed meeting you, and how very grateful we are to Dr. Nathan for having given us this opportunity. 
In turn, I would like you to feel free to point out what particular catalogues you would like to obtain, as I assure you it will be a pleasure for me to fulfill your requests if at all possible.
Looking forward to hearing from you, and with my wife's best compliments, and my kind regards, 
Sincerely yours, 
(Germain Seligman)

Dr. K. Martin
c/o Dr. Fritz Nathan
Rorschacherstrasse 25
St. Gallen

P.S. I am taking the liberty of sending you herein a check of $10 (ten 00/100 dollars) to take care of the expenses you will incur with these requests.