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December 2, 1924.

Elisa Meyer, Esq.
5625 Woodland Ave,
Chicago. Ill.

My dear friend :-

Quite casually I just heard that you had spent a few days in New York, and feel so sorry not to have known it, as I have been here myself about a fortnight, and it would have given me such pleasure to see you and your dear wife. The moreso because we did not see anything of your this summer in Paris, and René and I felt very badly about it.

If I tell you that as a matter of fact, I have spent more time travelling this summer than actually in Paris, you will understand why you did not hear more from me. It is really a pity and I hope that your wife is not angry at me. Therefore I beg of you to let me know whether you think of coming to New York before the end of the year and I will let you hear from me, should I go to Chicago, as I do not want to miss you again if I have an opportunity of seeing you.

I hope that you are both enjoying good health, and asking you to give my sweetest thoughts to your wife,

Believe me to be,

Yours most Cordially,