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by Lord Ronald Sutherland Gower, F.S.A., opposite page 68, mentioned and described on page 115. Lord Sutherland Gower was perforce [[strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]] considered a great authority on this artist.

Then, further, the painting is mentioned in the Frick Collection catalogue published in 1949 in connection with “The Mall”. (The latter in the meantime had been acquired by Henry Clay Frick.) In view of the particular merit of this description I am sending you herein a photostated copy of it. May I especially call your attention to the fact that this catalogue [[strikethrough]] of this collection [[strikethrough]] was established by Sir Charles John Holmes who was the Director of the London National Gallery, indeed a leading connoisseur. You will agree that this painting, at the time of its sale, was endowed with the best authorities and that its authenticity could hardly have been doubted.

We should add to this that Mr. Ramage, as we know from a group of drawings by Thos. Gainsborough he acquired, was particularly attracted to works of this artist, and would of course not have acquired a painting of uncertain attribution. In view of this documentation the existence of any doubt today entitles us to wonder whether in the course of fifty years, or practically, another painting many not have been substituted for the one Mr. Ramage acquired.

Yours very sincerely,
Germain Seligman

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