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November 9th, 1934.

Dear Mrs. McCormick:

I was quite disappointed not to have had the pleasure of seeing you when I visited in Chicago last month, but I am writing these lines in the hope that if you come to New York in the near future, you will have an opportunity to visit our gallery at the above address.

Under separate cover we have forwarded to you a catalogue of our current exhibition, that has caused a great sensation here, and which will be on view until the 14th of this month.

Besides the exhibition there are also several paintings I would like to show you, one of which is the wonderful DEGAS "Dancer" that we recently acquired. It comes from a well known European collection, and was purchased so advantageously we are able to offer it at a figure well below any competitive work of the same quality.

If you come to New York in the near future, I am certain you will be pleased with the works I have in mind to show you.

With very best wishes, please believe me

Yours very truly,


(James St. L. O'Toole)

Mrs. Robert McCormick,
1515 Astor Street, 
Chicago, Illinois.