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November 11th, 1935.

Dear Mrs. McCormick:

Though I had every intention of going to Chicago and paying my respects to you shortly upon my return from Europe, I have been unable to do so, and fear that this won't be possible before the end of the year.

I am taking the liberty of sending you these few lines to call your attention to several paintings by VAN GOGH which I have just brought over from Europe, and which I am confident you would enjoy looking at. The more so, as, if my memory serves me well, your collection doesn't include a work by this artist.

You have no doubt, heard of the important exhibition of VAN GOGH which has just opened here at the Museum of Modern Art, and I am wondering whether this show will lure you to New York.

In that instance, I would have an opportunity of showing you these paintings, but, should you not intend coming to our city in the near future, would you like me to send one or two of these
