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January 18th., 1938.

Dear Lady Mendl:

Please excuse these typewritten lines, but I have been out of town and just found your delightful messages forwarded from Paris, and of course, I do want to thank you without delay.

I particularly enjoyed receiving the little longhand note that you had left at my office, wishing me a "Happy New Year".

I do hope that you have begun 1938 in a pleasant way and that we shall see it end without the tragedies which can be foreseen at present with international conditions as they are.  

You will not be surprised if I tell you that business has not been especially brilliant here, though I don't feel that I have any right to complain - but nevertheless, it is a struggle.

With renewed thanks for your charming attention and asking you to kindly remember me to Sir Charles, I am, 

With my best regards, 
Most sincerely yours, 
(Germain Séligmann)

Lady Mendl, 
Ambassade d'Angleterre, 
39 rue de Faub. St. Honoré,

Transcription Notes: