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Wadmalaw Island S.C.
March 2d 1866
- 10 -

Everson E.W. Lt V.R.C.
A.S.A. Comr
Bu R.F. & A.L. 

Transmits Report of Rations received and issued to Freedmen on Morris, James, Johns, and Wadmalaw Islands S.C. during the month of Feby 1866.

Ass't Commissioner
Buerau of Refugees and Abandoned Lands.
CHARLESTON, S. C. Mch 10th 1866

Office of Act Sub. Asst Coms'r
Bureau of Refugees Freedm & A.L. 
Rockville S.C. March 5th 1866

Respectfully forwarded

J E Cornelius
Major 15th Regt V R C
A.S.A. Coms B of RF & A.L.

Transcription Notes:
"Wadmalaw Island" is an island in Charleston County, South Carolina