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Rockville Wadmalaw Isl. S.C.
March 8th 1866

Everson E. W. 
Lieut V.R.C. A.S.A C.B.R &c

Forwards copy of contracts made by [[?]] [[?]] between Mr Hopkinson and the Freedmen on the "Champlan Garden" Plantation Edisto Isl. and other Plantations, and request that the same be forwarded to Mr Hopkinson through Gen Scott's Hd Qrs. 

Office of A.S.A. C.B. of R.F & AL. 
Rockville Wadmalaw Isl S.C.
March 9th 1863

Respectfully forwarded to Br. Major H.W. Smith A.A.G. with the request that the two contracts enlosed be handed to Mr. James Hopkinson if approved by Brig Genl. Scott. 

Mr Hopkinson States that Genl. Scott made a precisely similar contract with the people on the "Jenkins Hill" and "Champlain Garden" Plantations on Edistos Isl., and stands responsible that the Freedmen fulfil their part of the contract

J E Cornelius
Major 15th Regt V.R.C
A.S.A. C.B. of R.F & A.L.