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Maridian June the 15th 1866
Gen. J.B. Kiddoo Asst. Com 

Dear Sir= In your Circular Letter, I am required to report the number of private schools for freedmen in my District &C. I am sorry to say there is not one in either Bosque or Hill Counties.

I am also required to report the number of schools that can be organized and their location, Buildings and boarding places for teachers with prices &C.

There can be one school started at or near J.G. Smiths Plantation in Bosque County with some sixty pupils and another at Kimbleville and one at Maridian each with some thirty shollars [[scholars]] in Bosque - in Hill County there can be three schools started one at Dyers mill, one at James Gothings Plantation and one at Peoria. there are no houses at present that could be occupied for school purposes. The freedmen will build houses if they can be furnished teachers and they schools be protected "Boarding can be had at about ten dollars per month for teachers- There is a growing hostility in this Section against the negro owing to the corse the President is persuing many men here thinks that the President will yet restore the institution of slavery" I heard Doct Dawson a leadind [[leading]] Planter say on yesterday that the President and Congress would yet fight Then the western States would side with the President and the South would be a unit for him and then Slavery and the Confederacy would be a fixed fact Philip Howard Sub Asst Comr Freedman Bureau