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Hd Qrs. B.R.F.&A.L
Galveston Tex., Aug. 22 66.
Respectfully referred to E. M. Wheelock Supt. schools for remarks. This paper to he returned.

By Order of 
Bvt. Maj. Genl. Kiddoo
Wm H Sinclair

Office Supt F. School,
Galveston, Texas, Aug 26/66
Respectfully returned to Col. W.H. Sinclair A.A.G. 
B.R.F. and A.L.

Concerning the charge of Falsehood brought against Mr. Honey, I will make no remark as Mr H is here, & can speak for himself.
Lt Goodman informs me that the statement of the Teacher as to the inadequacy of her income to her support, is not correct, as her monthly income is about sixty dollars a month in specie, then expenses twenty.
Lt G, also reports that the Teacher positively refuses to send monthly reports of her school, telling him that she "has nothing to do with the Bureau, & will not report."
To my letters of inquiry no answer in returned.
It is a case of insubordination and term agency.
E Wheelock
Supt. Freedmen Schools. Texas,

Hd Qrs B.R.F &c
Galveston, Texas Aug 29/66,
Respectfully returned to Miss Hartwell inviting attention to endorsement of Mr Wheelock is expected that you will hereafter make the reports required of you by the Supt of schools. Your statements do not seem warranted by the facts in the case.
By Order of Gen. Kiddoo