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[[sideways writing on top]]
The bathroom over at Hazel Drakes was warm Pearl came home to see that the fires kept it so & found the water pipe down cellar was the cause. so they were lucky to get George Mcgarvey there to thaw it out.

hope we wont have another such a spell Mrs Barry was up all night seeing to our fires, if it had'nt been for her ours might have been frozen. she put on the heat all she could muster Ma
[[/sideways writing on top]]

Stoughton February 19th 1943

Dear Doris
I have had a very nice day & it has been warm my birthday has been fine. Laura came & brought me a very handsome boquet & a warm coffee cake sent me by Myrtle Gilcher with a lovely card. then Mrs Barry presented me with some nice warm slippers like the ones she gave me a year ago. & also a card lots of cards from different people.

Your bundle came just after I sent my letter so I will say how I appreciated what you sent me. I have been sewing on the cloth today. it was fine & the stockins will be nice & warm. I will have plenty of sewing now & embroidery too.

Mrs Barry had called up Mrs Austin in Brockton where we went to spend our thanksgiving & invited them here to my birthday but she said that on account of the cold weather & the gas shortage. we put it off untill next April which was