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Stoughton February 10th 1943
Dear Doris
We still have cold nights wind & snow but the snow is slowly melting away as much as possible these cold days. I go out the back door to put out my ashes. there in the driveway, just beyond the little building where I can get rid of the snow & ice & dont slip up. I suppose the wind was north east so it was blown away on to the bulk head & piled up several feet high. Mrs. Barry went down to have her hair fixed Tuesday & there met Mrs. Williams who took her home to play cards & to day Phoebie Hill is coming for her around two o'clock & they are going up to Myrtle Gilchers to play cards. she is entertaining the crowd. then tomorrow Mrs. Barry is going to entertain them down to Susie Websters where they have a feed at one dollar a plate & play cards in a room down there pretty busy this week. I am making me a dress out of that grey plaid cloth with a red stripe & am going to have some red buttons run down the front of it. think it will be pretty dont you?