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March 18th 1924

Mrs. Paul Moore
Convent, N.J.

Dear Mrs. Moore,-

I presume you have already received the announcement informing you that I have left Scott & Fowles, and am now a member of Jacques Seligmann & Co. You doubtlessly know of my new firm's reputation in the world of art, but although you may already be aware of the fact, I might mention that the greater part of the famous Morgan collection came from us, besides many important pieces in the Altman and Frick collection.

My chief reason, however, for writing you this letter is to ask you to kindly come in and see a very interesting exhibition of English eighteenth century pastels and drawings, which we have just opened, and which includes a superb little head by Lawrence of Master Bloxham the artist's favorite nephew. As it is my first exhibition with the new firm, I would esteem it a very great favor if you could find time to call in here the next time you come to town.

Thanking you for the extreme courtesies you have shown me in the past, believe me to be,

Yours respectfully,