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School and 57 Pupils enrolled their names - the number has steadily increased, and the number on the roll today is 76.  Their improvement has been all that could be desired, and a disposition is clearly shown to behave themselves in a seemly manner and as Citizens of the United States.
    In Houston the fact is clearly established that the Freedmen are able and most determined to support the school, and to show that they really deserved their freedom.  The majority of them have paid their school fees $1.50 per month and I have only 15 free scholars in the day school.
    I have the honor to be General
      Your most Obedt Servant
           Henry W. Stuart B.M.
         Teacher of the Freedmen's Schools
            Houston, Texas
P.S. Will you please send me 250 of the little Hymn Books if you can spare them.