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Columbia Texas
Feb 15th 1866.

Lt Wheelock

Sir I have the honor to Submit the folowing Report,

I Opened School about the 9th of January for Adults, and on the 15th Day school for Children. The first Sabath in February, I opened Sunday school in the Church belonging to the Whites Day School in a Garrett room  poor place but the best I could do! I think the number of scholars might be double had I a suitable house: and if you allow me to suggest that if Gen Gregory send a request or Order, to me I could use the Church until other provision could be made. I will be responsible for the care of the house  I would suggest that to help us along you send us some books if you have it in your power to do so Sunday school primers testaments or maps or even paper upon which maps could be drawn --

Yours Obtly
Franklin Shelden