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Freedmen's Acadamy, Brasos Co March 31st.
Dear Sir,
Thereby enclose to your address my first Monthly Report as Teacher for Refugees and Freedmen in this county, you will see the difficulties I have had to encounter, and the obstacles which have been thrown in my way, is the cause of my school being so small. I commenced in faith with the approbation of Doct H. P. H, Farner Sub Agent at Millican for the Freedmen, in trying to get the consent of the Planters in this neighborhood to allow me to have a building erected an some part of their land for the purpose of holding Divine Worship on the Sabbath for the Colored People, also to be used during the week for school purposeies. But all refused, One Gentleman says he would not like to have it on his premises because the niggers (I give you his own words) would drink up all of his Cistern water. The same Gentleman lives seven miles from here on the opposite side of the river. Another, had his land all under fence, and the children in getting over weight fall and get hurt he was afraid, (every human thought) Another, who holds a high commission as a public officer was opposed to (his own words again) educating the D-nd niggers anyhow. I then was determined to have a house built somewhere. I therefore selected a place on the Bank of the river one mile from Mrs. Allridge's Ferry on land claimed to belong to Mr. Palmer of Montgomery Co, his manager tried to have me ejected from there, but Doct Farner has quieted him in that respect. I have had a Log House put up it is not yet covered but I have give up my cabin I am living in untill it can be finished My School is too much out of the way to benefit all who would like to come, There is about Forty or Fifty children in the neighbourhood who would have been a going to school if it could have been more central. I am also deprived of keeping an Evening School for Adults, But I have opened a school on Saturdays from two PM. until nine PM. but they generally have